Friday, August 29, 2008

Cupcakes, Tennis and Tyler

Pulling a Tyler is a termed coined by my high school circle. According to the CHS edition of definitions and shit like that to pull a Tyler: is to behave in a manner that is diva like and whole over the top and culminates in a full on pout. My mate Ty is a nice person but we all have our hang ups, his just happens to be a touch of Elton John Diva. Yesterday I was full on pulling a Tyler. I had skipped a day of work in order to get through the rest of the week nevertheless upon my arrival at my place of business a wave of dread. I spent most the the day in a full on pout. Fuck all I need to get over myself.

The weekend approaches

Tomorrow is Queer Game Night. I don't really want to go but its an excuse to make cupcakes. I'm between red velvet cakes with tofutti cream cheese frosting and chocolate cakes with cookies and cream frosting, yes frosting the sweet nectar of the sugar gods.

Hopefully they will turn on the tube so I can watch tennis. The US Open just started and I'm totally stoked. The pro that I have a major crush on is playing so double awesome. I watched Serena Williams break some poor girl's spirit last night. I seriously thought she was going to cry. The crowd totally gave her a pity clap when she FINALLY scored a point during the second game. If anyone at game night complains I totally have my argument ready. Tennis + girls in shorts or skirts= Awesome so fuck off. Its that simple.

In other news

So the Democratic Convention is in full swing. Why do I keep getting emails from people to come to Convention watch parties? I just ignored the invites because I don't think I could be civil if talk of the "issues" came up. PoliticalKoz is intense and I typically don't let her out in mixed company. That part of me, the part that my parents are convinced is meant to be an attorney, comes out in full force and will take any weak ass argument to the ground with a headlock of concise facts. This queer,feminist,atheist, vegan of color is not about to take some middle of the road, neo Christian, wanna be progressive at face value. Fuck your so called "family values."

InnerKoz: Why do you have to make everything political.
PolticalKoz: Whatever

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