Friday, February 29, 2008

Fit, Fitter, Fittest,

Ok so I'm going to the gym again tonight. Today's muscle group is back and chest. I feel pretty good about my routine. I really hope is sunny this weekend although I'm photosensitive I can get out in the late afternoon and early morning.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

On track

Well I've back to a more balanced eating pattern and my workout clothes are in the car. I know that I shouldn't put pressure on myself to drop X amount of weight but its just so damm hard but fitness first.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Back in Shape

Well my goal for the next 6 weeks is to shape up. G:" Why 6 weeks ?" My 6 week routine will end with yet another round of labs at my specialist. I am also on steroids which can make you gain weight. I feel that I've really hit a wall in the weight loss department. I have lost weight despite my inability to workout regularly the past 3 1/2 months however my fitness level in horrid. I don't really care how thin I get at this point I really just want to increase my stamina. This is week one of Back in shape and I will try to keep it up to date. I've always felt that because of my SLE I need to be the absolute best example of someone living with it.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Fuck you. Yep that is to all those who just decided to give up on veganism. I recently read a post by someone who stopped being vegan once they got pregnant because the "couldn't eat beans." Fuck them. Vegans eat more than just beans. People have just been afraid to tell her to go fuck herself because she is pregnant. Well fuck her. If she was dying from cancer or incapable of obtaining her own food I'd give her a break but don't fucking tell me that of all the foods available eggs and milk were the only thing that you could stomach. Bull fucking shit. Oh and don't use the pregnant excuse with me. You choose to have a child and should be aware of the side effects of such an endeavor. If you can't eat what you used to get a fucking dietitian or something. I'm fucking livid. I hope you like drinking veal.