Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Greeks, I think they invented Bi (sexuality)

I owe this title to my flat mate El. Bi sexuality seems to come up in pop culture quite often. I have my own idea about it which I attempt to align more with a conceptualization of sexuality that is pre 20th century. To make a long story short the rise of the 20th century lead to the static sexual categories that we now have. I think we need to move away from the shallow anti humanistic categories of hetero/homo sexuality. There are multiple components to sex/ love/relationships. If “we” were to expand our understanding of sexuality to be more inclusive grounded in humanism rather than misogyny, classim, racism or homophobia, we would all have the opportunity to express every aspect of ourselves. In other words you, I , us could begin to focus on people and not on social position.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Atonement still sucks but it made me think

So I saw Atonement the other day, I will refrain from bashing it too much. Its overrated. Really. But while watching it I couldn't help but think of the romantic entanglements that I have had or could potentially have. I want to enjoy all of it. Pleasure is what was lacking for me in all of my trist. How someone or why they liked me was irrelevant. I was alone even in their presence. So dispite myself I held back and came off cool and aloof. Who would want those qualities in a partner? So I'm working on not shutting down and running for the hills with emotions in tow.

Day One

I'm not a writer, a director or biochemical engineer. I'm a vegan and apparently a self righteous one. I woke up this morning with attitude and a goal in mind. While showering I thought about how much my life has evolved over the past 6 months. In a short time I've gone from student to working stiff. I undergone change and I hope to continue to grow and chronicle this is a manner befitting the kozmic one.