Monday, May 5, 2008

To Austin and Back

Went down to Austin to meet with a veganfreakie. I'm not in much a a thinking mode right now so I'll will just start a list.

Stuff I learned in Austin

1. I need to bring a bike to get around and really see the sites.

2. Dhaba Joy has the BEST cookies that I've ever eaten at a bakery.

3. Vegan Mac N Cheese is fucking outstanding

4. This one non descript building on the UT campus was actually the Library

5. I so miss being at school. I wanted to go in the stacks and wander.

6. I will be back and soon. Fuck big D and its pretensions.

7. Its not too far away for me to have a girlfriend there.

8. It is my life goal to be draped in hemp and scented with patchouli.

9. I really, really miss trees.

10. Mothers Cafe really, really, burned the fuck down. It was totally different from what I remembered. The food however rocked.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! It will be awesome to see more of you down here! ( - T)
