Monday, February 25, 2008

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Fuck you. Yep that is to all those who just decided to give up on veganism. I recently read a post by someone who stopped being vegan once they got pregnant because the "couldn't eat beans." Fuck them. Vegans eat more than just beans. People have just been afraid to tell her to go fuck herself because she is pregnant. Well fuck her. If she was dying from cancer or incapable of obtaining her own food I'd give her a break but don't fucking tell me that of all the foods available eggs and milk were the only thing that you could stomach. Bull fucking shit. Oh and don't use the pregnant excuse with me. You choose to have a child and should be aware of the side effects of such an endeavor. If you can't eat what you used to get a fucking dietitian or something. I'm fucking livid. I hope you like drinking veal.


  1. you can't tell from this comment, but I'm having a hard time typing it because I can't stop the clapping! I started a slow clap and it's building, and I expect that I will not be clapping alone!

  2. I've been following her story as well and finally verified today that she's actually not vegan anymore. I'm a bit confused as well why she's just been given a pass just because she's pregnant.
