Greetings this solo vegan has been a busy one. With moving in to my new digs and attempting to manage an active social life, I have found little time to stop and reflect on all the changes. This is my first stab at living all on my lonesome. I don't miss my roommate. It was a pairing that I allowed to persist for far to long. I have no hard feelings we simply are very,very different people. I don't know I just never admitted to myself how lively my persona is/was in contrast to her. Damn my need to accept and understand. I suppose if it is a flaw that is one worth having. I'm happy to write that I've made several new mates since my debut on the Dallas queer scene. Some say good friends are hard to come by but my faith and love for humanity is constantly renewed by the positive connections I've made.
Peace and love from OneVegan.