New additions to my shelf
Replay by Ken Grimwoood. Replay is the account of 43-year-old radio journalist Jeff Winston, who dies of a heart attack in 1988 and awakens back in 1963 in his 18-year-old body as a student. Jeff then "replays" his life and dies again at 43. This pattern continues and each time Jeff returns a bit older and wiser than the last.
Lion's Honey: The Myth of Samson by David Grossman I was introduced to the work of Isreali novelest David Grossman last summer. Mr. Grossman appeared on Bill Moyers "Faith and Reason" series and made quite the impression on me. I headed over to the University library and checked out The Book of Intimate Grammar . I couldn't put it down. Today I added Lion's Honey to the shelf. My early years were spent at a Christian school. I lived for the Bible stories. Myth is king. Nothing was more passionate or exciting than the stories of Moses or King David at least based on my five year old perceptions. I liked it when God showed his wrath somehow it meant he was more like us or just maybe we were more like Gods.
edit: WTF I just got an email from B&N my books are going to ship on AUGUST FUCKING FIRST. Seriously this sucks ass. I'm going to check out a local library.
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