I've never had an overwhelming interest in collecting comics. I do recognize the cultural significance of comic characters. I could wax poetic about the Jewish subtext of Superman, thanks Professor Pollack, but I won't. I wish I had the time to make it to San Diego this weekend. For those of you in the area check it out.
Official Site
NY Times: Comic-Con
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Product Review
Merry Hempsters lip balm
Being vegan isn't hard, however, finding vegan products can be trying. Several months back I finished my pregan(pre vegan) lip balm. I searched every natural hippie fuck store within in ten miles. I found two choices. Why? One day while I was picking up lunch at the local Whole Pay cheque I decided to peruse the cosmetics aisle. As my luck would have it I found Merry Hempsters. Merry Hempsters is vegan and says so right on the fucking label. I've tried other vegan lip balms and they have been gritty but this is not the case with Merry which is moisturizing and for $2.95 a stick totally affordable. There are other options out there but honestly I don't want to drop $20 bucks on one lip gloss.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The "N Word"
Thanks to yet another faux pas by a self proclaimed leader of the black community the debate over the use of the "n word" has once again risen to the forefront. I thought about this while driving home yesterday. Personally I've never been comfortable with reclaiming terms, its extremely problematic and leads to confusion namely, who has ownership over the term? No one has a monopoly on oppression. The legacy of apartide in this country is woven in to the fabric of our social institutions. To over come the errors of the past it is then only pertinent that we examine how our use of language reinforces racial hierarchy. I don't care how you slice it the "n word" is not a term of endearment. Sure we all yelled out "I'm a slut or your a dirty whore." while in the the throws of passion but it wouldn't be socially acceptable to refer to ones coworker as a dirty whore. This got me thinking. What about footnotes? If you want to use a term that is controversial and may be contrived as sexist,racist or homophobic it would benefit everyone if one were to hand out footnotes. I know what your thinking. Who reads footnotes? Its all I've got right now. So the next time you meet a friend you can say,
Koz: How is it going?
Billy: Not bad you know the man is always on my back
Koz: Word
Billy: Did you see this spiel about Jesse Jackson?
Koz: I did indeed.
Billy: All I could think was n word* please.
*** hands Koz footnote***
Koz: *reads footnote*
Billy: So do you want to go to the nearest coffeehouse to discuss the gender dynamics in Anna Karinina?
Koz: I don't know. You aren't going to throw out anymore terms of the opressor.
Billy: Damn I knew those fucking footnotes wouldn't work.
* The N word is a extremely contentious word. While I recognize that for centuries it was used to oppress an entire race of people I have decided to use it in everyday speech. This decision was not made lightly and is not an indication that I do not respect the contributions of black Americans and their struggle against institutionalized racism. If the "n word" offends thee I can replace it with a less polarized term such as fool. ***
***This is bullshit. Who reads footnotes? Save a goddamn tree and don't use the "n word." Fuck foodnotes.
Koz: How is it going?
Billy: Not bad you know the man is always on my back
Koz: Word
Billy: Did you see this spiel about Jesse Jackson?
Koz: I did indeed.
Billy: All I could think was n word* please.
*** hands Koz footnote***
Koz: *reads footnote*
Billy: So do you want to go to the nearest coffeehouse to discuss the gender dynamics in Anna Karinina?
Koz: I don't know. You aren't going to throw out anymore terms of the opressor.
Billy: Damn I knew those fucking footnotes wouldn't work.
* The N word is a extremely contentious word. While I recognize that for centuries it was used to oppress an entire race of people I have decided to use it in everyday speech. This decision was not made lightly and is not an indication that I do not respect the contributions of black Americans and their struggle against institutionalized racism. If the "n word" offends thee I can replace it with a less polarized term such as fool. ***
***This is bullshit. Who reads footnotes? Save a goddamn tree and don't use the "n word." Fuck foodnotes.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
"Why Mr. Allen aren't you the jokester."
I love film but I'm not exactly as open minded as I should be. For me film was dead in the 70's and the 80's because I wasn't alive in the 70's and the 80's was all about Prince and David Bowie. Those who were alive during the 70's witnessed a number of cultural and political changes in the US and world but guess what? I,the history major, could care less. I'm not sure why? It could be the fashion or all the commentary from my father regarding the decay of urban communities. Decay is just not appealing to a four year old. Despite my early criticism I am slowly coming out of my cultural cave to embrace the treasures of American cinema. This afternoon I watched Take the Money and Run written and directed by Woody Allen. It's funny but not in a "look at me I'm hilarious" way.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Product Review
Friday Night Koz
Its Friday and another work week has come and gone. I want to see the Dark Knight but I think people have lost it. Last night my flatmate said her bible study group went to Legacy Cinema to wait for tickets. This isn't Star Wars the first time round and I'm not waiting on queue to see a movie that I could buy tickets for quite easily Saturday or Sunday morning. So I'm going to have my flatmates mom buy them for us.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sweet Baby Einstein Watching Baby Jesus
In Recent News:
My books are on the way! I guess the folks at B&N found them in the wearhouse.In the meantime I'm reading Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson. I'm pacing myself it's needs to last.
I watched Disturbia last night. It was adequate. Certain aspects of the story were totally unbelievable but Shia Lebeouf made it watchable.
I've gotten responses for my latest shin dig which is about a month away. I need to start a to do list. I think I'll take a look at the entertaining magazines while I'm at B&N this weekend.
The Dark Knight opens Friday. I'm not sure why I'm excited but I'm totally am. I need to pick up some Red Vines. Mini Rant: WTF is with Twizzlers? They taste horrible and are way too soft. Red Vines are the awesome. Red sugar love.
My books are on the way! I guess the folks at B&N found them in the wearhouse.In the meantime I'm reading Lighthousekeeping by Jeanette Winterson. I'm pacing myself it's needs to last.
I watched Disturbia last night. It was adequate. Certain aspects of the story were totally unbelievable but Shia Lebeouf made it watchable.
I've gotten responses for my latest shin dig which is about a month away. I need to start a to do list. I think I'll take a look at the entertaining magazines while I'm at B&N this weekend.
The Dark Knight opens Friday. I'm not sure why I'm excited but I'm totally am. I need to pick up some Red Vines. Mini Rant: WTF is with Twizzlers? They taste horrible and are way too soft. Red Vines are the awesome. Red sugar love.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Summer Fruit
I love fruit and summer is a fantastic season to enjoy. Current fruits in my kitchen include, Raspberries, strawberries,nectarines, bananas,apples,grapes and watermelon. During my first year away at college I roomed with a girl who did not like fruit. I couldn't believe it. She didn't care for vegetables much either. Her diet consisted mostly of Jimmy John subs with no lettuce,cookies and Diet Coke. It is therefore no surprise that she complained of constant fatigue. I would always ask, "Have you had any water today? What about fruit?" The answer was typically the same that she had some diet Coke and a sandwich. Don't be like my old roommate folks. Go out to your local market and pick up some all natural energy.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Reading Rainbow
Back in the day when I was in my prime I could get through 2-3 books on a school day and 8 or more during the course of a weekend. I simply devoured books.I lived in the pages. Visiting fantastic lands and uncovering ancient cultures. Why? I've always felt that I want to know how "we" worked and books seemed to be the best avenue. I remember asking myself at nine if thoughts, what I now understand to be consciousness,are eternal? We are born, we live, we die but ideas seem to defy nature. The threads of human consciousness remain unbroken. The texts are but snap shops of what humans are capable of understanding. Our ancestors leave for us a trail to find who we are and all we need do is follow it.
New additions to my shelf

Replay by Ken Grimwoood. Replay is the account of 43-year-old radio journalist Jeff Winston, who dies of a heart attack in 1988 and awakens back in 1963 in his 18-year-old body as a student. Jeff then "replays" his life and dies again at 43. This pattern continues and each time Jeff returns a bit older and wiser than the last.
Lion's Honey: The Myth of Samson by David Grossman I was introduced to the work of Isreali novelest David Grossman last summer. Mr. Grossman appeared on Bill Moyers "Faith and Reason" series and made quite the impression on me. I headed over to the University library and checked out The Book of Intimate Grammar . I couldn't put it down. Today I added Lion's Honey to the shelf. My early years were spent at a Christian school. I lived for the Bible stories. Myth is king. Nothing was more passionate or exciting than the stories of Moses or King David at least based on my five year old perceptions. I liked it when God showed his wrath somehow it meant he was more like us or just maybe we were more like Gods.

edit: WTF I just got an email from B&N my books are going to ship on AUGUST FUCKING FIRST. Seriously this sucks ass. I'm going to check out a local library.
New additions to my shelf
Replay by Ken Grimwoood. Replay is the account of 43-year-old radio journalist Jeff Winston, who dies of a heart attack in 1988 and awakens back in 1963 in his 18-year-old body as a student. Jeff then "replays" his life and dies again at 43. This pattern continues and each time Jeff returns a bit older and wiser than the last.
Lion's Honey: The Myth of Samson by David Grossman I was introduced to the work of Isreali novelest David Grossman last summer. Mr. Grossman appeared on Bill Moyers "Faith and Reason" series and made quite the impression on me. I headed over to the University library and checked out The Book of Intimate Grammar . I couldn't put it down. Today I added Lion's Honey to the shelf. My early years were spent at a Christian school. I lived for the Bible stories. Myth is king. Nothing was more passionate or exciting than the stories of Moses or King David at least based on my five year old perceptions. I liked it when God showed his wrath somehow it meant he was more like us or just maybe we were more like Gods.
edit: WTF I just got an email from B&N my books are going to ship on AUGUST FUCKING FIRST. Seriously this sucks ass. I'm going to check out a local library.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Group Think
"I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. "
Groucho Marx

They like me. They really like me. I seem to get on with most people. Sometimes its a good thing and other times its annoying as fuck. Its hard when you see favoritism with in an organization. How does one combat preferential treatment when one may benefit from it? Another mans demon is the devil scratching my back. If the group fucks over Maxim and I don't voice my concern it is as if I condone it. I guess I'll stick with it and try to reform from within or watch the group crash and burn. I like the flames. That's probably Condilezza Rice's strategy and it seems to be working. At least I never joined a sorority.
"I felt like a Nazi but it had to be done."
Raoul Duke, Fear and Loathing in LasVegas
Groucho Marx
They like me. They really like me. I seem to get on with most people. Sometimes its a good thing and other times its annoying as fuck. Its hard when you see favoritism with in an organization. How does one combat preferential treatment when one may benefit from it? Another mans demon is the devil scratching my back. If the group fucks over Maxim and I don't voice my concern it is as if I condone it. I guess I'll stick with it and try to reform from within or watch the group crash and burn. I like the flames. That's probably Condilezza Rice's strategy and it seems to be working. At least I never joined a sorority.
"I felt like a Nazi but it had to be done."
Raoul Duke, Fear and Loathing in LasVegas
Likes and Dislikes
1. Coffee
2. Waking just before sunrise
3. CSPAN Book TV
4. The NYTimes Magazine
1. Doornobs
2. Antique furniture
3. Crooked rugs
4. Stonewashed jeans
1. Coffee
2. Waking just before sunrise
3. CSPAN Book TV
4. The NYTimes Magazine
1. Doornobs
2. Antique furniture
3. Crooked rugs
4. Stonewashed jeans
Muppets, tofu and sunny days
Friday, July 11, 2008
Moving on up to the Eastside to the deluxe apartment in the sky
*dusts off a vague Eastern European accent* "I vant to be alone."
I've looked at apartments and honestly I can't find anything acceptable. When did I become such a diva? Thanks mum and dad. If I switch jobs next fall, *crosses fingers*, I can pay off a some bills and put the remaining towards a down payment on a condo. I've thought about just going for a house in the burbs but lifestyle wise I'm about 15 years from that type of groove. I don't know if I'll live in Dallas for the next year or the next decade but it makes financial sense to purchase property and build some equity. I can always lease it down the road if I need to mosey on to another Ville.
In other news
Let's welcome in the weekend. I have plans to party the night away. Here is a little video throwback.
*dusts off a vague Eastern European accent* "I vant to be alone."
I've looked at apartments and honestly I can't find anything acceptable. When did I become such a diva? Thanks mum and dad. If I switch jobs next fall, *crosses fingers*, I can pay off a some bills and put the remaining towards a down payment on a condo. I've thought about just going for a house in the burbs but lifestyle wise I'm about 15 years from that type of groove. I don't know if I'll live in Dallas for the next year or the next decade but it makes financial sense to purchase property and build some equity. I can always lease it down the road if I need to mosey on to another Ville.
In other news
Let's welcome in the weekend. I have plans to party the night away. Here is a little video throwback.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
You want to what?
I'm for animal rights,the environment and just about every social justice movement. Tactics should be discussed. The ends do not always justify the means. I will admit that there are limits to what I will do for the cause. When you advocate ethical treatment of animals shouldn't it be done ethically? There are those who believe that home demos are the way to go. Huh? Are you serious mate? Take a step back count to three. I've thought about how I want to structure my life. In the future I would love to work for GLBTQ civil rights. How would I feel if pro life, anti gay marriage groups showed up on my doorstep? Sure they have the right to disagree with my politics but to invade my home and accost my family? The very thought of it sends me in to a Samuel L. Jackson mode. Some motherfucker is going to go down. Home demos are not "for the animals" they are for people who are anti social fuckwits.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Exploration of Human Sexuality
Why is it that nearly all studies of sexuality seem fixated on male sexuality? I recently picked up the latest issue of Psychology today. Several times in the article the state that women are different, So that is what the medical community is giving to the populous. "We don't know much about women they are just different." What the fuck! Will it be possible to get a real study that attempts to challenge the current gender paradigm.
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