Monday, April 7, 2008

Burn, Baby, Burn Cupcake Inferno

Saturday, after a late lunch of Chinese at NorthPark, my roommate,her friend Kris and I went to the DMA to view the J.M.W. Turner exhibit. When I wasn't running away from the rambling voices of pseudo Art Historians I enjoyed most of the works. I really loved the "burning room" which was a collection of works exploring fire.

I avoided what could have been a shit storm. My mum called me while en route to our apartment. I must have mentioned Friday's incident with the pizza with the possible butter definite cheese. Kris said " butter doesn't hurt cows." and my roommate said, "where does butter come from?" I really was not in the mood. I tolerate Kris because she is my friend's friend but I know things would be very different if I didn't have to maintain a good disposition. I have almost nothing in common with this person she is religous and just purchased a dog for $1200. Ummm yeah no cupcake for you missy.

Afterwards I retired to my apartment for the evening and whipped up a batch of chocolate cupcakes with peanutbutter frosting in honor of my roommates 28th B-Day. I was in pure sugar heaven. The recipie is from Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

They were loved by my roommate and my friend R who I lured over to my digs for some sweet kozmic sugar.

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